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How To Find A Roommate If It’s Your First Time Leasing a Home

As home prices rise, many potential buyers and new residents choose to continue to rent, but rent prices are also increasing. An option to rent while keeping costs low is sharing the space with a roommate. But if you choose the wrong roommate, life can become frustrating. Here are some tips about how to find a roommate if it’s your first time to lease a home. 

Think Logically, Not Emotionally

Many people mistake their roommate for a friend, and while that could be true, it’s essential to think of them as another tenant first. While it might be easy to turn a friend into a roommate, you won’t know someone completely until you live together. So even if you choose to live with a friend, it could strain the relationship if they’re not a good roommate. That’s why it’s important to approach the task with logic and not emotions. 

Know Who Your Ideal Roommate Is

Before meeting people, know what you’re looking for in an ideal roommate. Writing down what behaviors and actions are and are not acceptable will guide you into finding a roommate suited for your habits. The key here is to be honest. If it bothers you to have a messy kitchen, then write that down. 

Discuss the Essentials with A Potential Roommate

When meeting with potential roommates, you must find someone you’re compatible with but one you’re also on the same page with. This means discussing yours and their habits. Discussing each other’s daily routines is an excellent way to discover more about who they are. Are they a morning person or night owl? Do they work from home, or do they spend more time out of the house? Another topic to discuss is social habits. Do they like to have friends over often, or are they out until the early morning hours? Do you like large gatherings or smaller ones? Are they neat freaks or willing to skip cleaning? The more in line you are, the better.

This stage can come off as criticizing someone, so it’s important to answer these questions about yourself too, and be honest! Find out what their pet peeves are and speak up if that’s something you do. It’s better to be honest and part ways now than after they’ve moved in. 

Financial Obligations of A Roommate

You might’ve found someone you’re compatible with, so now it’s time to talk about money. This should be treated as a business transaction, so don’t let emotions get in the way. Both of you must be on the same page, as missing one financial payment can impact both parties. Discuss the financial obligations of both parties to ensure each of you can meet this responsibility. The ideal roommate should be financially secure with a regular income and some savings intended for emergencies. While this could be an awkward topic, it’s essential to be on the same page. 

Get It in Writing

Now that you’re both on the same page, financially and logistically, it’s time to make it official and get it written. A “roommate agreement” carries more weight on paper than a verbal one and a handshake. Plus, it makes it easy to refer back to. 

If you need help finding an affordable home rental in Austin and its surrounding communities for you and your roommate, contact us! Or, if you are ready to rent out your place, contact Prism Realty today! We’re here to offer our expertise and help you achieve your real estate goals.