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How HOAs Can Help De-Escalate Community Tensions

Prism Realty Management - How HOAs Can Help De-Escalate Community Tensions - Prism Realty Association Management - Tips for HOA Boards

HOA board members have a lot of responsibility and a variety of duties to carry out. Sometimes, tensions can arise, and it’s important to know how to handle complaints, refusals, questions, and emotionally-charged situations. Take a look at how HOAs can help de-escalate community tensions and help uphold the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs).

Listen and Be Empathetic to Community Tensions

As a member of the HOA board, one of the most important duties you have is to lend an ear to the community. Often, tensions can de-escalate simply from listening to the other person’s side and looking at a situation from their point of view. This also reiterates that the HOA is working towards a common goal for the betterment of the whole community rather than targeting that individual or individuals. Participate in open discussions, take notes of what the community members have to say, and ask questions to show that you are engaged and taking the person seriously.

Take Emotions Out and Educate on Issues

The worst thing HOA board members can do is go on the defensive. Often it can escalate tensions unnecessarily. Use the time of friction as a time to educate the community members on the issue. Many times, the underlying cause for the tension is a misunderstanding or miscommunication and helping community members understand the issue, rules, systems, and processes in place can solve the current problems and future problems.

Have Options

Inviting community members to help come up with solutions to resolve the issue can help them understand the perspective of the HOA board and the guidelines of the community. It also brings both sides together to work on creative solutions.

Having a course of action for solving problems, clearing up misunderstandings, and instilling faith in the HOA board is key to de-escalating community tensions. Consider role-playing how to handle common complaints between board members and giving feedback to one another. It will only make your board more prepared and your community stronger.

If your HOA board is feeling overwhelmed or you would like to know how Prism Realty Management can help you manage your association, give us a call at 512-676-5842. We’d be happy to talk to you about who we are, the services we offer, and our process.